AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture

I’m lovin’ it


AAスクール来日学生レクチャー。講義では、東京と日本の社会文化的背景に焦点を当て、都市論におけるテンポの速い建築の意味について光を当てた: 適応性、柔軟性、継続性、革新性、持続可能性、成長、回復力。



I'm lovin' it | ファスト・アーキテクチャーの味わい




AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture
AA Visiting Students Lecture: The Taste of Fast Architecture